
Lowering High Blood Pressure: CBD and Blood Pressure

CBD is one of the best components for lowering high blood pressure. It can alter your different bodily functions to help you control your blood pressure. You need to learn several things about CBD before using it for high blood pressure. This is why we have mentioned some basic aspects of CBD to help you avoid any problems. 

Hypertension and CBD

You may have learned about hemp or marijuana. They belong to the family of Cannabis sativa plants and contain two major compounds: THC and CBD. THC has psychoactive properties that make people high and sedative. Moreover, CBD comes from hemp and is a non-psychoactive element. 

Hypertension is a medical term used to define high blood pressure. It is the pressure that your blood applies on the arteries’ walls. Arteries are responsible for carrying blood and transporting it throughout your body. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is completely normal if the blood pressure falls and rises throughout the day. But if your blood pressure consistently remains high, then you have hypertension. 

Most people don’t know that they have hypertension because of not experiencing any symptoms. For this reason, health care providers suggest regularly checking your blood pressure. In case the problem goes without a diagnosis for several months, and you leave it untreated, hypertension can lead to more chronic problems, such as:

  • Chest pain
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack

How Can CBD Help With High Blood Pressure?

Many factors can impact high blood pressure. Fortunately, the ability of CBD to impact different bodily functions can indirectly limit the risk of hypertension. 

Helps with Anxiety

Anxiety can cause palpitations and rapid heart rate, which lead to high blood pressure and other heart diseases. 

Animal-based research conducted by the National Institute for Drug Abuse (NIDA) shows that CBD can reduce anxiety. This study also indicates that CBD can lower the impact of the symptoms that occur due to anxiety, such as rapid heart rate and high blood pressure. 

Reduces Inflammation

Few people know that inflammation doesn’t only occur in joints. A study suggests that CBD oil can help alleviate inflammation in your blood vessels in the brain and heart. 

Therefore, its anti-inflammatory properties can help in lowering high blood pressure by allowing the free flow of blood through your veins, arteries, and heart. 

Analgesic Properties lower Pain

A National Institutes of Health (NIH) study shows that even acute pain can cause hypertension. Since CBD reacts with pain receptors in your brain, it can lower blood pressure by giving you relief from pain. 

CBD Improves Sleep

CBD can also control stress and help you enjoy a good night’s sleep and overall wellness. When you don’t have stress, you will not feel tired or fatigued. 

Bottom Line

So, now you know how CBD oil can help you manage high blood pressure. If you are thinking of buying a CBD product, you can purchase one from OZ Botanicals. We provide the best quality CBD products that can help you resolve and manage different health conditions. 


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Written by Emily Klaus

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