
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

We’ll share generalized anxiety disorder symptoms

Having a case of the nerves from time to time is normal. However, anxiety that you can’t seem to shake is not. If you’re experiencing nervousness and anxiety day after day, you could suffer from a general anxiety disorder. Below, we’ll share generalized anxiety disorder symptoms, helping you identify whether or not it’s what’s causing your anxious and nervous behavior. 

What Is Generalized Anxiety? 

Generalized anxiety disorder is defined as excessive worrying. Not only worrying from time to time but constantly worrying about a number of things that it produces symptoms of anxiety in the body. The body’s response to anxiety comes in stages, often escalating as the worrying thoughts persist. 

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

When it comes to identifying generalized anxiety disorder symptoms, it’s important to note that each person is different. We all deal with anxiety differently and can have mild to severe symptoms come up at any time. Though they vary, common symptoms of a generalized anxiety disorder include: 

  • Constant worry about several things (money, family, your job, etc.)
  • Overthinking and worrying about the worst possible outcome 
  • Dreading social events 
  • Fear of decision making 
  • Inability to sit back and relax
  • Trouble concentrating

The Body’s Physical Response

Many of the symptoms mentioned above can trigger physical responses. Our body’s instinct is to protect it from harm, reacting when anxiety or nervousness is detected. When you start to feel the effects of anxiety, your body will typically respond by: 

  • Sweating 
  • Breathing heavily 
  • Racing heart
  • Tensing of the muscles 
  • Feeling nauseous 
  • Becoming irritable 

What Causes Generalized Anxiety Disorder? 

It’s still not clear what exactly causes anxiety and related disorders. The common belief among professionals is that it’s due to a mixture of things, including genetics and personality traits. In addition, if you’ve suffered from trauma, you’re likely more prone to anxiety and its accompanying symptoms, unable to concentrate, and feeling as if things are falling apart. 

When Should You See a Doctor? 

As mentioned above, generalized anxiety disorder affects everyone differently. If you notice that your anxiety is getting in the way of your day-to-day life, that could be an indicator you need to seek professional help. Also, call a doctor if you experience the following: 


Depression can lead to a number of symptoms and make you feel far from yourself. If you feel depressed, you should talk to your doctor. 

Lack of Productivity

If you’re not doing so well at work, not taking care of your home, or starting to stay away from friends and family, that could be a sign that your anxiety is out of control. Talk to a medical professional for help. 

Suicidal Thoughts

In severe cases, your anxiety can get in the way of your ability to live your life and you can develop suicidal thoughts. If you do, seek professional care immediately and take steps toward making yourself better. 

Anxiety can be managed but, if you can’t do it alone, seek professional help. 

What do you think?

Written by Michelle Shannon

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General Anxiety Disorder

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